Dr. Vitor Verdelho Vieira
Campus do Lumiar, Edificio E – R/C, Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, 1649-038 Lisbon, Portugal
A4F AlgaFuel, S.A. is a spin-out from Necton S.A., dedicated to the development and delivering bioengineering projects for the industrial production of microalgae. Necton established in 1997 with an extensive R&D curriculum and experience of large-scale production of microalgae using raceways and outdoor photobioreactors continuously in the last 12 years for aquaculture and cosmetic markets.
A4F develops microalgae production units in high-emitting industries for CO2 mitigation. The prototype unit, already implemented on a cement plant, is the first set of tubular photobioreactor systems, from cell to biomass, on a scale that establishes "proof of concept". A4F proposes an innovative approach through a gradual scale-up, to maximize performance of each process. A4F has a close relationship with leading scientists and researchers in the field of microalgae biotechnologies and with the largest microalgae producers worldwide. This international networking positions A4F as a first choice for any large-scale contract as the best specialist company in almost every specific aspects of microalgae production.
A4F has its main research and development activity in Algarve, in the south of Portugal, and offices in Lisbon and Porto.
Coordination of WP4 (Bioprocess Engineering) and WP5 (Industrial Scale), contributions in other WPs
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